Thursday, January 11, 2007

Some interesting about Chepang"praza jati"

We all have heard about Chepang where they live what r their life standard.But i think these information that i have searched from google u may find it intresting..
The naming ceremony among the Chepangs takes place nine days after the birth of the child. During the ceremony the Chepang shaman (Pande) reads sacred texts over a cock, a hen, thread coloured with turmeric, thin roti (bread) made of maize flour, totala flower, egg, etc and takes them outside for worship. The child and its mother are tied with the thread, and the child is given a name. Alcohol is required during marriage. The boy's side must obtain the consent of the girl's side before or after marriage. Special ceremony must be carried out when the bride is brought and enters the groom's house. The Chepangs like to marry within their own community. There is a practice among Chepang of the son-in-law living in the father-in-law's house.

The Chepangs mostly bury their dead. The dead body is bathed and new clothes and garlands of flowers are put on the body and wrapped with burial cloth. A box is made of the barks of sal, in which the dead body is kept and buried. Pollution is observed by some for three days and by some for nine and also thirteen days. The death rites are carried out by the shaman (Praja, BS2056). After the recitation of sacred incantations, Chepangs collectively go to hunt and fish. They worship the bows and arrows used in hunting once every year. Chepang men wear a single piece of cloth around their waist and women wear clothes similar to majetro up to their necks.
Chepang is one of the few languages which uses a duodecimal (base 12) counting system rather than the decimal (base 10).

Chepang traditionally practised some slash-and-burn agriculture, or simple hoe-based horticulture along with mostly hunting and gathering from the forests. Since being resettled in southern Nepal and impinged upon by Nepali speaking groups, Chepang have begun plow-based agriculture.

Chepang men and women are basically egalitarian and no social ranking exists as it does in caste Nepalese society. There are no chiefs.
Most important fact is that their main food is bat(chamero).Every one is skilled to capture
I think preserving chepang's tradition state has to listen their voices & help them to come in main stream of Nepal.

Gunaraj is seeking your valuable suggestions.
Thanks for visiting..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's good job