Wednesday, January 10, 2007

my favourite artist

My favourite music artist
What do u think is this yr favourite too..?
Some common questions asked Ramkrishna Dhakal
let's see what he had replied...
1.How have things changed after your marriage? Have things become difficult?
No, it has given me more support instead. My wife is not into music but she has turned out to be my best listener and a great source of inspiration. And this year has been very fruitful for me because of the birth of my daughter, and my album Aagaman is also getting good response.

2.Well, is there any particular reason or belief in starting your album titles with “A”?
No, it was not a deliberate effort when my first couple of album titles had the same initials. But after their success, I too became conscious of it and the letter “A” became a sort of a brand. So, I decided to continue with that letter. But the most important thing in the albums is the content, not the title, and there's no conservative thoughts regarding the letter.

3.Finally, how content are you with your position today and with your achievement in Nepali music?
Well, I'm satisfied to a great extent. Having started singing at the age of five and doing stage shows at ten, I've been able to work in the field of my interest and achieve success and affection from the audience. I'm also satisfied because I got to sing songs that gave me personal satisfaction. And I wish to continue singing quality songs in future as well.

Thanks for visiting..
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