Friday, March 9, 2007

friendship day...

फ्रेन्डशिप ब्यान्ड

''आदी थ्यांक यु फर दिस् ब्युटिफुल कार्ड, अनि यो फ्रेन्डशिप ब्यान्ड चाँही तिमी नै बाँधिदेउ न है मेरो हातमा।'' हिजो किनेको कार्ड स्नेहालाइ दिएपछि स्नेहाले आदिलाइ भनिन् ।त्यो कार्ड भित्र एउटा फ्रेन्डशिप ब्यान्ड पनि थियो, कार्डसँगै आएको।

स्नेहा र आदित्य एकदमैं मिल्ने साथीहरु, एउटै क्लासमा पढ्छन ।

हिजो आदी न्यूरोड गएको बेलामा हलमार्क पनि छिरेको थियो, उसलाइ एउटा कार्ड मन पर्‍यो, असाध्यै राम्रो थियो रबर्ट एलेनको पोएम कोट गरिएको । हुन त त्यस्तो कार्ड दिनुपर्ने कुनै उत्सव थिएन तर उसलाइ कार्ड मन परेको हुनाले स्नेहाको लागि उसले त्यो कार्ड किनेको थियो ।

''थाहा छ आदी मलाई लागेकै थिएन तिमी मेरो बेस्ट फ्रेन्ड हुन्छौ भन्ने, तिमी मलाई शुरुमा क्या ठिस् लाग्थेउ, एकदमैँ आउट स्पोकन्, अनफ्रेन्डली ।''

''हो र, मलाई त तिमीलाइ देखेको पहिलो दिन नै लागेको थियो समयसँगै तिमी मेरो बेस्ट फ्रेन्ड बन्छौ भन्ने ।''


''खै किन किन थाहा छैन, मे बि इन्ट्युसन्!''

हो शुरु शुरुमा आदी स्नेहाले भनेको जस्तै आउट स्पोकन नै थियो, क्वाइट अनफ्रेन्डली । आदी यही बर्ष मात्रै सेकेन्डरी स्कुल सिद्ध्याएर काठमाडौं आएको हो, ईन्डियाबाट । उसको परिवार काठमाडौं कै भए पनि क्लास थ्री देखि उ नैनितालमा थियो । अब कलेज चाँही नेपाल मै पढ्ने भनेर आएको हो, नैनिताल छोडेर ।

''स्नेहा शायद म ठिस् देखिन्थे र मे बि मलाई साथीहरुसँग कसरी डिल गर्ने भन्ने पनि थाहा थिएन्, स्पेसल्ली केटीहरुसँग्, मैले अहिलेसम्म सँधै ब्याइज स्कुलमा मात्रै पढेको थिए, अन्ली ब्याइज्, टोटलल्ली डिफ्रेन्ट इनभाइरोमेन्ट ।''

हो आदिका कलेजका शुरुका केही दिनहरु नाटकिय रुपमैँ बितेका थिए । कलेजको पहिलो दिन नै नेपाल बन्द परेको थियो उ त्यो दिन कलेज गएन तर नेपाल बन्द भए पनि त्यो दिन कलेज चाँही लागेको रहेछ्, ५-६ जना विद्यार्थीहरु पनि आएका रहेछन । त्यही भएर कलेजको दोस्रो दिन भए पनि उसको लागि पहिलो दिन थियो । उ आउट ड्रेसमै थियो, उसको कलेज ड्रेस हिजो लिन जान पएको थिएन्, नेपाल बन्दले गर्दा ।

सबैभन्दा लास्ट बेन्चमा गएर बसेको थियो । सबै जना एक अर्कासँग कुरा गरिराखेका थिए, उ मात्र चुप थियो, कसैलाइ चिनेको थिएन । तर बिस्तारै बिस्तारै उ कलेजको वातावणमा भिज्न थाल्यो । पढाइमा राम्रो भएको हुनाले टिचरहरुसँग पनि राम्रो सम्बन्ध हुन थाल्यो । एक दुई चोटि केही साथीहरुसँग सानोतिनो भनाभन पनि नपरेको होइन तर यो त क्याम्पस लाईफमा नर्मल नै हो ।

फर्स्ट टर्ममा सबैभन्दा बढी मार्क्स् ल्यायो आदिले । त्यहीबेला हो उसले स्नेहा सहित अरु केही केटीसाथीहरुलाइ रेस्टुराँमा ट्रीट दिएको, उनिहरुकै आग्रहमा ।

एकचोटि इन्टर कलेज क्विइज कन्टेस्ट को एनाउन्समेन्ट भएको थियो, हरेक कलेज बाट ३ जनको एउटा टिमले भाग लिन पाउने गरेर । कलेजमा आदी टिचरहरुको पहिलो च्याइस थियो, क्विज कन्टेस्टको लागि । अरु दुईजना साथीहरु सहित आदिले भाग लियो, धेरै ठुलो मार्जिनले जित्यो पनि ।

त्यतीबेला स्नेहाले आदिलाइ बधाई दिदैँ भनेकी थिएन ''आदी तिमीले फेरी ट्रीट दिनुपर्ने भयो हामीहरुलाइ !''

''सबैलाइ होइन यस्पाली, तिमीलाइ मात्रै है'' अनायसै आदिले स्नेहालाइ भनेको थियो ।

''ओ. के., आइ वुड लभ टु कम विद यु, एनिवेज्, कङ्ग्राचुलेसन्स् अगेन ।''

यसरी बिस्तारै बिस्तारै आदी र स्नेहा एक अर्काको नजिक हुँदैगए ।

''स्नेहा थाहा छ भोली देखि म पनि कलेज बसमैं कलेज आउने''

''किन ?''

''विन्टरमा बाइक चलाऊन गार्हो हुन्छ, फेरी बिहान बिहानै एकदमै जाडो हुन्छ ।''

''वाउ........ क्या रमाइलो हुने भयो, म तिम्रो लागि सिट रोकिराक्छु है ।''

''हुन्छ ।''

यस्तै कुनै दिन बसमा सँगै कलेज जाँदा हो आदिले स्नेहालाइ कार्ड र फ्रेन्डशिप ब्यान्ड दिएको ।

''आदी म तिमीसँग एउटा कुरा माग्छु दिन्छौ ?''

एकछिन सोचेर आदिले भन्यो '' दिन्छु'' ।

''किन त्यस्तो सोचेर दिन्छु भनेको ? तर थ्यांक गड, दिन्छु त भन्यौ, के कुरा भनेर त सोधिनौ!''

''हैन त्यत्तीकै!'

''भन न स्नेहा तिमीले जे मागे पनि दिन्छु'' यसपाली तुरन्तै रेस्पोन्स् गरेको थियो आदिले ।

''अस्ती तिमीले दिएको फ्रेन्डशिप ब्यान्ड चुडिँयो, मलाई नयाँ फ्रेन्डशिप ब्यान्ड बाँधिदेउ न है!''

''भैहाल्छ नि यसपाली म तिमीलाइ कहिल्यै नचुडिँने फ्रेन्डशिप ब्यान्ड बाँधिदिन्छु है, एकदम बलियो!''


यसरी नै केही दिनहरु बिते, स्नेहाले सोचिन शायद आदिले फ्रेन्डशिप ब्यान्डको कुरा बिर्सिसक्यो ।
उता आदी अरु नै कुरा सोचिराखेको थियो, स्नेहालाइ सर्प्राइज दिने ।

''स्नेहा एकछिन आँखा बन्द गरन!'' फेरी कुनै अर्को दिन बसमा सँगै कलेज जाँदा आदिले स्नेहालाइ भन्यो

''किन ?''

''एकैछिन बन्द गरन, प्लीज्!'

''ओ. के.''

स्नेहाले आँखा बन्द गरिसकेपछि आदिले आफ्नो खल्ती बाट एउटा बट्टा निकाल्यो जसमा असाध्यै राम्रो ब्रासलेट थियो, सुनको ।

''नाउ यु क्यान ओपन योर आइज्'' ब्रासलेट स्नेहाको हातमा बाँधिसके पछि आदिले भन्यो ।

'' वाउ ...... इट्स् बिउटिफुल्, लुक्स् एक्पेन्सिभ्!''

''तिम्रो लागि कहिल्यै नचुडिँने फ्रेन्डशिप ब्यान्ड्''

''आदि,यस्तो महँगो गिफ्ट किन ल्याएको मैले त जस्ट एउटा सिम्पल फ्रेन्डशिप ब्यान्ड भनेको थिए । फेरी घरमा मामुलाइ के भन्ने नि मैले, कसले दियो किन दियो भनेर सोध्दा ?''

''कम अन्, स्नेहा, डन्ट गो विथ द प्राइस अफ द गिफ्ट्, मलाई लाग्यो मैले तिमीलाइ यो गिफ्ट दिनुपर्छ र मैले किने, इट्स् एज सिम्पल एज दयाट्! फेरी तिमी मेरो बेस्ट फ्रेन्ड हौ त्यसैले मैले सोचें इट्स् माइ राइट टु गिफ्ट यु अ ब्युटिफुल फ्रेन्डशिप ब्यान्ड ।''

''अनी मामुलाइ के भन्ने नि मैले ?''

''मलाई थाहा छैन!''

''थ्यान्क यु आदी, यो मैले पाएको सबैभन्दा प्रेसियस गिफ्ट हो, आइ विल नेभर पार्ट विथ दिस् फ्रेन्डशिप ब्यान्ड थ्रुआउट माइ लाईफ, यु क्यान काउन्ट अन दिस् ।''

''अल द प्लेजर इज माइन्''

हुन त त्यो ब्रासलेट किन्न आदीलाइ सजिलो पक्कै भएको थिएन्, पुरै एक महिनाको पकेट मनी सिद्धिएको थियो । त्यस्भन्दा पनि ब्रासलेट बनाउन अर्डर गर्न जुन पसलम गएको थियो त्यहाँको साहुजीले उसको मामुलाइ चिन्दो रहेछ । किन्, कसको लागि भनेर सोध्न थालिहाल्यो, पैसाको कुरा पनि मामुसँगै गरौला भन्न थालेको थियो । बल्ल एक जना साथीको दिदीको बिहे छ , उसैलाइ गिफ्ट दिनको लागि सबैजना साथीहरु मिलेर यो ब्रासलेट बनाउन लागेको, अनि मैले तपाईंलाइ चिनेको हुनाले (हुन त उसले त्यो साहुजीलाइ चिनेको थिएन्, पसल्मा जाँदा पो थाहा भयो, साहुजीले मामुलाइ चिन्दो रहेछ भनेर्), बनाउने जिम्मा चाँही मैले लिएको । साहुजीले पनि चिनेको हुनाले एकदमै राम्रो ब्रासलेट बनाइदिएको थियो ।

समय बित्दै गयो, कलेज सिद्धिन लाग्दासम्म आदी र स्नेहा एकदमै क्लोज भैसकेका थिए, मोर दयान बेस्ट फ्रेन्डस् । दुबैजनाले जिन्दगीको यात्रा सँगै गर्ने कल्पना गरेका थिए । तर परिस्थिती र समयले यस्तो मोड लियो, उनिहरुले समाज र परिवारको खुशीको लागि आफ्ना सबै सपनाहरु निमोठिदिए । एउटा यस्तो दिन आयो जहाँबाट उनिहरुले अलग अलग बाटोमा यात्रा गर्नुपर्ने भयो । कलेजमा हुँदा आदिले स्नेहालाइ जिस्क्याउँदै भन्ने गर्थ्यो ''स्नेहा तिम्रो बिहेमा मलाई बोलाउ है, म त्यतिबेला एकदमै एक्स्पेन्सिभ गिफ्ट लिएर आउँछु ।''

''मैले मेरो बिहेमा तिमीलाइ बोलाउनै पर्दैन्!''

''किन्, नबोलाउने हो मलाई ?''

''बुद्धु, मेरो बिहेमा तिमी त भैहाल्छौ नि, दुलहा बनेर्, अनि मैले बोलाउनुपर्छ र!''

''तर तिम्रो बिहे मसँग भएन भने नि ?''

''म त तिमीसँगै गर्ने हो बिहे !''

''तैपनि परिस्थिती हामीले सोचेको जस्तो भएन र तिमीले अरु कसैसँग बिहे गर्नु पर्‍यो भने नि ?''

''त्यस्तो भयो भने म तिमीलाइ मेरो बिहेमा बोलाउँदिन्, प्लिज तिमी पनि नआउ है, मैले त्यतिबेला तिमीलाइ फेस गर्न सक्दिन्!''

''हे.. लाटी! म त त्यत्ती कै जिस्किराखेको, तिमी त सिरियस भइछौ ।''

''आदी इन केस हामीहरुले बाँकी लाइफ सँगै बिताउन पाएनौ भने पनि हामीहरु सँधै राम्रो साथी भइरहने है ।''

''किन त्यस्तो कुरा गरेको, किन हामीहरु सँगै हुन सक्दैनौ ?''

''कतै बाटोमा तिमीले मलाई भेट्यौ भने अरु केही नभए पनि एक चोटि मुस्कुराइदिनु है, तिम्रो स्माइल मलाई असाध्यै मन पर्छ ।''

''त्यस्तो भयो भने म मुस्कुराउने मात्रै होइन, तिमीलाइ माया गरिदिन्छु गालामा सबैको अगाडि''

''बदमास, फेरी मलाई पनि तिमी मन पर्‍यो भने त्यतिबेला ?''

''तिम्रो बुढा र मेरो बुढि हेर्या हेरेइ हुने होला!''

''हे हे हे.............''

त्यतिबेला हँसिमजाकमा गरेका कुरा आज बास्तविकता भएका छन । चाहेर पनि समाज र परिवारको बिरुद्दमा जान सक्दैनन्, आदी र स्नेहा । उनिहरुले समाजको खोक्रो आडमबरको अगाडि आफ्नो सम्बन्धको बली चाढाउनु नै पर्ने भयो ।

समय आफ्नै गतिमा बगिरह्यो, दिन महिना बर्ष । केही दिन पछि नै आदी नेपाल छोडेर बाहिर गयो आफ्नो क्यारियर बनाउन । स्नेहाको बिहे भएको पनि धेरै बर्ष भैसक्यो, आदीले पनि भर्खरै बिहे गर्‍यो । स्नेहाले आग्रह गरे अनुसार नै आदी गएन स्नेहाको बिहेमा तर उनिहरुले गरेको कमिट्मेन्ट अनुसार उनिहरु सम्पर्कमा रहिरहन भने सकेनन। आदीलाइ पनि लाग्यो, मनशिक रुपमा स्नेहा सँधै उसँगै छे तसर्थ शारिरिक रुपमा सम्पार्कमा रहिरहन खोज्न उपयुक्त छैन । हो आफुले आफुलाइ सम्हाल्न धेरै मुस्किल भएको थियो शुरुमा तर अब लाईफ स्मूथ्ली नै गैराखेको छ ।

यसपाली धेरै बर्ष पछि आदी नेपाल गयो दसैं मनाउन, धेरै रमाइलो गर्‍यो । सँयोगबस, सपिङ गर्न जाँदा उस्को जम्काभेट स्नेहासँग भयो, बिशाल बजारमा । धेरै पहिला स्नेहाले भनेको जस्तै मुस्कुराइदियो, चिनेको नचिनेको जस्तै गरेर, स्नेहा पनि मुस्कुराइदिइन । स्नेहा आफ्नो श्रीमान र छोरा सँगै आएकी रहिछिन्, दसैंको सपिङ गर्न नै हुनुपर्छ । केही क्षणको मात्रै थियो त्यो भेट तर आदिले एउटा कुरा नोटिस गर्न भ्याइहालेको थियो, स्नेहाको हातमा अहिले पनि त्यही ब्रासलेट थियो जुन बर्षौं पहिले आदिले नै बाँधिदिएको थियो, कहिल्यै नचुडिँने ब्युटिफुल् फ्रेन्डशिप ब्यान्ड !!

Gunaraj is seeking your valuable suggestions.& comments
for this post.
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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Happy Valentine's day

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for this post.
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Saturday, February 10, 2007

50 interesting facts

1. Contrary to popular belief, a swallowed chewing gum doesn't stay in the gut. It will pass
through the system and be excreted.
The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar
melted in his pocket.
The Nobel Peace Prize medal depicts 3 naked men with their hands on each others shoulders.
Earth is traveling through space at 660,000 miles per hour.
In 1643, the British Parliament officially abolished the celebration of Christmas.
Santa's Reindeers are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen.
In 1875 the director of the US patent office resigned. He said that there was nothing left
to invent.
The Channel between England and France grows about 300 millimeters each year.
The average person's field of vision encompasses a 200-degree wide angle.
Offered a new pen to write with, 97% of all people will write their own name.
On average, a person has two million sweat glands.
Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave.
Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.
Your tongue is germ free only if it is pink. If it is white there is a thin film of bacteria
on it.
The attachment of the human skin to muscles is what causes dimples.
97% of the earth's water is undrinkable.
The Earth gets heavier each day by tons, as meteoric dust settles on it.
All babies are color blind when they are born.
Babies' eyes do not produce tears until the baby is approximately six to eight weeks old.
14 million people were killed in World War I, 20 million died in flu epidemic in the years
that followed.
There are more than 40,000 characters in the Chinese script.
Vision requires more brain power than the other four senses.
On average, men are 40% muscle and 15% fat; women are 23% muscle and 25% fat.
There are no public toilets in Peru.
Urine and tears have the same basic ingredients.
The reason honey is so easy to digest is that it's already been digested by a bee.
Every time you sneeze some of your brain cells die.
Historically, a blue ribbon has been awarded for first prize.
The motto of M-G-M movie studios is Art for Art's Sake.
The lion that roars in the MGM logo is named "Volney".
It cost 7 million dollars to build the Titanic and 200 million to make a film about it.
The Titanic was the first ship to use the SOS signal.
The Mercedes-Benz motto is 'Das Beste oder Nichts' meaning 'the best or nothing'.
The color blue has a calming effect. It causes the brain to release calming hormones.
There are more Rolls Royce cars in Hong Kong than anywhere else in the world.
X-ray technology has shown there are 3 different versions of the Mona Lisa under the visible
The pupil of the eye expands as much as 45 percent when a person looks at something
It takes only about 8 minutes for the Space Shuttle to accelerate to a speed of more than
27,359 km/hour.
Hydroponics is the technique by which plants are grown in water without soil.
Time magazine named the computer its "Man of the Year" in 1982.
Chewing on gum while cutting onions can help a person from producing tears.
Your left lung is smaller in size than your right lung, it is like that in order to make
room for your heart.
Until babies are six months old, they can breathe and swallow at the same time.
Male human brains are about 10 percent heavier than female brains.
Before 1800 there were no separately designed shoes for right and left feet.
The glossy look to lipstick comes from fish scales, which are iridescent.
To find out if a watermelon is ripe, knock it, and if it sounds hollow then it is ripe.
Honey is used as a center for golf balls and in antifreeze mixtures.
The original name for the butterfly was 'flutterby'.
Your body weight is lower at 9 A.M. than at any other time of the day.
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for this post.
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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

i think it make u laugh..?

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Monday, January 29, 2007

Some technical worms.....

All of us are familiar with round worm,hookworm,earthworm,let's share the some computer
worms that might be creating problem to your computer u might find it benificial
Computer worm:

In computer terminology, a Worm is a self-replicating threat that travels through a network and settles in a computer via a variety of online applications like e-mails, chat clients, P2P clients, etc. A worm does not attach itself to any program that explicitly needs to be executed for its spread. Instead, it travels through networked applications and primarily replicates itself up to a point where the network is clogged with its clones, preventing it from being used by legitimate applications. The different types of worms you could encounter are:

E-mail worm:

This type of worm uses e-mail as its vehicle. When an infected e-mail reaches your inbox, it does nothing unless the e-mail is opened to be read. When you open the mail, you may see an attachment or a link to a real or fictitious web site. The moment you click on the link and visit the web site, the worm gets triggered. Once activated, it starts searching your address book and sends e-mails to your contacts. It can even fake the sender’s address, so that the recipient assumes that the mail is not from someone he knows. Clearly, across an office network consisting of tens or hundreds of users, the numbers of ficticious e-mails traversing the mail servers grow exponentially over a short time. E-mail worms often bring down mail servers and clog their functioning.

File sharing network worm:

This worm generally proliferates through a shared folder of a machine. It creates a copy of itself and masks its intent by using a seemlingly harmless and unassuming name. The moment you connect to a networking site like ‘’ and your sharing folder gets accessed, the copy of the worm moves from your computer to other computers in the file sharing network. With millions of computers actively being used to access files from peer-to-peer networks, these worms can proliferate very quickly. Another popular type of worm is the instant messaging worm (similar to the email worm, but uses an instant messenger service as its vehicle).
Gunaraj is seeking your valuable suggestions.& comments
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Thursday, January 25, 2007

IT heights...

IT Heights...

Two persons sitting side by side using emails to communicate with each other.

Two persons fighting through emails.

Receiving no emails for a week.


The email server being down.

Writing a love mail and doing a 'Send All.'

A person sending email to himself

Sending Indian cricket team an e-mail, wishing them to win a match

Forwarding an email to someone and receiving the same email forwarded back to you By some one in the receiving chain.

U r swimming in the water tank and shout 'F1 F1 F1 ' instead of shouting 'HELP' when u are unable to swim...

Gunaraj is seeking your valuable suggestions.& comments
for this post.
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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Let's share some tricks for internet surfing

It is well known fact that this is the era of information
technology.But even we r not
utilizing this properly by knowingly/unknowingly .let's share some tips
about Internet...
1] if u r still using yahoo.mail,hot mail addressees think that u r using Pentium-
3 computer instead of Pentium -4.use Gmail id .i am not promoting this
but this has awesome facilities some r as follows:
2]. u can see whether ur frn is online for chat or not & can chat
through yr inbox.
there is no necessity of downloading yahoo messenger/msn messenger or
any like's so
3]. u can level yr frn message according to subject u like as business,family.etc
4]. And one thing it is not necessary to delete any has approx
2.5 gb free space.
5]. but one thing may be yr problem how to make gmail account.for this invitation
by gmail user is or any gmail user can send u invitation to ur
existing e mail id..from which u can make ur gmail id..
6]. others u know after using gmail.
7]. i f u wanna time pass through Nepali,, have done
awe some job for Nepali websites.
8]. it's often seen that to open website www. is typed but this is not
necessary u can direct type website name as ( .com and enter can be done by pressing ctrl
enter at same is beneficial to make the habit of keyword
shortcuts such as (ctrl s )for saving
ctrl c for copy & ctrl v for paste...
9]. have u heard abt online storage .u can store ur files such as
videos,mp3 songs,photos & can share with yr frns through Internet.i
have tried for it gives 1gb
storage.u can search others by using Google search,yahoo search,msn,&
any others..but try this if only yr Internet speed is faster..
10].i would beg sorry if all the information here if u r familiar with
these.plz share any information u know abt it
through this is well known fact that"knowledge increases by sharing.."
have a nice day ...
Gunaraj is seeking yours valuable suggestions.
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funny part of politics

Hamra comradeharu....

मुलुकमा छुवाछूत प्रथाको अन्त्य भए पनि नेपालका कम्युनिष्टहरूमा यो प्रथा
कायमै देखिन्छ । माओवादी आफूलाई ब्राह्मण कम्युनिष्ट ठान्दछ भने एमाले
आफूलाई शासन चलाउन सक्ने क्षेत्री मान्दछ । वाममोर्चामा एकीकृत खुद्रा
पार्टीहरू वैश्य भनिन्छन् भने राजाको टाङमुनि समाहित राधाकृष्ण मैनालीहरू
श्ाुद्रमा गनिन्छन् ।

उपरोक्त चार जातबाहेक ३६ वर्णमा पनि कम्युनिष्टहरूलाई विभाजित गर्न
सकिन्छ । कोही माधवजस्ता नरम, कोही प्रचण्डजस्ता गरम ! कोही डाक्टर
बाबुराम, कोही ट्याक्टर हराम ! कोही ओलीजस्ता अलमले, कोही
मोहनविक्रमजस्ता ढुलमुले ! कतै मालेजस्ता झुले, कतै मशालजस्ता टालटुले !
केही सीपीजस्ता एकलकाँटे, कोही शेरचनजस्ता टाटेपाटे ! कतै बहुदलीय
जनवादको अलाप, कतै प्रचण्डपथको विलाप ! कुनै स्वदेशीको मतियार, कुनै
विदेशीको हतियार ! कहिले जनवादको जप, कहिले जे भेटिन्छ कपाकप !
अप्ठ्यारोमा एकीकरणको कुरा, सजिलो पर्दा बगलीमा धस्ने छुरा !

यस्तो लाग्छ, यदि पृथ्वीनारायण बूढा हुँदा हुन् त उनले पक्कै पनि आफ्नो
महान्वाणीमा परमिार्जित गर्ने थिए, 'नेपाली कम्युनिष्ट आन्दोलन चार जात र
३६ वर्णको साझा गोलखाडी हो ।'

त्यसो त सबैले आफूलाई कमरेड भन्दछन् । वास्तवमै एउटा सच्चा कम्युनिष्टका
लागि 'कमरेड' शब्द अति सम्मानित शब्द हो । तर, जस्ाले जे भने पनि नेपालमा
कमरेडको अर्थ पनि आ-आफ्ना तरकिाले लगाउनुपर्दछ । कोही क्रान्तिकारतिा कम
भएकाले आफूलाई कम+रेड≠कमरेड भन्छन्, कोही रेट नै कम भएकाले आफूलाई कमरेट
ठान्दछन् । कोही समय अनुसार हिँड्न नसक्ने भएकाले कम+लेट≠कमलेटमै चित्त
बुझाउँछन् भने कोही अण्डाभन्दा माथिको हैसियत नराख्ने हुनाले अमलेटमा नै
जुनी काट्दछन् । यस्ता थरीथरीका सम्बोधनले पनि अन्तरकम्युनिष्ट जातिवादको
जानकारी मिल्दछ ।

जङ्गलमा कम्युनिष्ट, शहरमा कम्युनिष्ट, सदनमा कम्युनिष्ट, सडकमा
कम्युनिष्ट, भोटमा कम्युनिष्ट, गोठमा कम्युनिष्ट, चोटमा कम्युनिष्ट... तर
सरकारमा जिरो ! किन ? यो सबैको एउटै कारण हो, उनीहरूमा रहेको जातिवाद !
उता संसार जातभातभन्दा माथि उठेर 'ग्लोबल फेमेलीको कन्सेप्ट' मा
चढिसक्यो, यता कम्युनिष्टहरू आपसमा हातपातमा र्झन शुरू गर्दैछन् ।
'विश्वका मजदुर एक हौँ' भन्छन्, नेपालकै मजदुर एक ठाउँमा बस् न सक्दैनन्
। यो अन्तिम युद्ध हो भन्छन्, गाउँघरमा कम्युनिष्टहरूबीच आपसी युद्ध
भर्खर शुरू हुँदैछ । जाति र पाती मान्दै नमान्ने उद्घोष गर्छन्, आफ्ना
सगोत्रीसँग भन्दा पर 'कङ्गोत्री' सँग बसेर सत्ताको स्वाद लिन मन पराउँछन्

ठूलो पार्टीले सानो पार्टीलाई नगन्ने, सानोले ठूलोलाई नमान्ने !
दस्तावेजमा सर्वहाराकरणको पहल, काठमाडाँैमा आलिसान महल ! जनताका अगाडि
एकीकरणको राग, भाषण सुन्दा वैराग ! पछाडि हेर्यो जनताको लाम्, अगाडि
हेर्यो कैले जाला घाम ! देशबाट त छुवाछूतको अन्त्य भयो तर
कम्युनिष्टहरूले यो प्रथा कहिल्ो त्याग्ने होलान्... भन्न पनि अब त अल्छी
लाग्न थाल्यो भन्या !

Gunaraj is seeking your valuable suggestions.
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Monday, January 15, 2007

HAPPY B'DAY P.A.R.I.B.A.R.T.A.N.(click here for comments)

happy birth day to my dearest bhanja..
more than this a dearest & closest frn.
let's pray ..may this next year in life
brings happiness & progression to bright

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Sunday, January 14, 2007

hey i found this interesting what abt u..?

Man discovered COLORS and invented PAINT;

Woman discovered PAINT and invented MAKEUP.

Man discovered the WORD and invented CONVERSATION;

Woman discovered CONVERSATION and invented GOSSIP.

Man discovered AGRICULTURE and invented FOOD;

Woman discovered FOOD and invented DIET.

Man discovered FRIENDSHIP and invented LOVE;

Woman discovered LOVE and invented LOVE TRIANGLES.

Man discovered TRADING and invented MONEY;

Woman discovered MONEY and invented SHOPPING.

Thereafter man has discovered and invented a lot of things...

but the women are still BUSY S H O P P I N G ......
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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Some interesting about Chepang"praza jati"

We all have heard about Chepang where they live what r their life standard.But i think these information that i have searched from google u may find it intresting..
The naming ceremony among the Chepangs takes place nine days after the birth of the child. During the ceremony the Chepang shaman (Pande) reads sacred texts over a cock, a hen, thread coloured with turmeric, thin roti (bread) made of maize flour, totala flower, egg, etc and takes them outside for worship. The child and its mother are tied with the thread, and the child is given a name. Alcohol is required during marriage. The boy's side must obtain the consent of the girl's side before or after marriage. Special ceremony must be carried out when the bride is brought and enters the groom's house. The Chepangs like to marry within their own community. There is a practice among Chepang of the son-in-law living in the father-in-law's house.

The Chepangs mostly bury their dead. The dead body is bathed and new clothes and garlands of flowers are put on the body and wrapped with burial cloth. A box is made of the barks of sal, in which the dead body is kept and buried. Pollution is observed by some for three days and by some for nine and also thirteen days. The death rites are carried out by the shaman (Praja, BS2056). After the recitation of sacred incantations, Chepangs collectively go to hunt and fish. They worship the bows and arrows used in hunting once every year. Chepang men wear a single piece of cloth around their waist and women wear clothes similar to majetro up to their necks.
Chepang is one of the few languages which uses a duodecimal (base 12) counting system rather than the decimal (base 10).

Chepang traditionally practised some slash-and-burn agriculture, or simple hoe-based horticulture along with mostly hunting and gathering from the forests. Since being resettled in southern Nepal and impinged upon by Nepali speaking groups, Chepang have begun plow-based agriculture.

Chepang men and women are basically egalitarian and no social ranking exists as it does in caste Nepalese society. There are no chiefs.
Most important fact is that their main food is bat(chamero).Every one is skilled to capture
I think preserving chepang's tradition state has to listen their voices & help them to come in main stream of Nepal.

Gunaraj is seeking your valuable suggestions.
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

my favourite artist

My favourite music artist
What do u think is this yr favourite too..?
Some common questions asked Ramkrishna Dhakal
let's see what he had replied...
1.How have things changed after your marriage? Have things become difficult?
No, it has given me more support instead. My wife is not into music but she has turned out to be my best listener and a great source of inspiration. And this year has been very fruitful for me because of the birth of my daughter, and my album Aagaman is also getting good response.

2.Well, is there any particular reason or belief in starting your album titles with “A”?
No, it was not a deliberate effort when my first couple of album titles had the same initials. But after their success, I too became conscious of it and the letter “A” became a sort of a brand. So, I decided to continue with that letter. But the most important thing in the albums is the content, not the title, and there's no conservative thoughts regarding the letter.

3.Finally, how content are you with your position today and with your achievement in Nepali music?
Well, I'm satisfied to a great extent. Having started singing at the age of five and doing stage shows at ten, I've been able to work in the field of my interest and achieve success and affection from the audience. I'm also satisfied because I got to sing songs that gave me personal satisfaction. And I wish to continue singing quality songs in future as well.

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Tuesday, January 9, 2007

just a joke

Top 10 most stupid questions people usually ask in obvious situations

1. At the movies:
When you meet acquaintances/ friends.. .
Stupid Question:- Hey, what are you doing here?

Answer:- Dont u know, I sell tickets in black over here...

2. In the bus:
A heavy lady wearing pointed high-heeled shoes steps on your feet...
Stupid Question:- Sorry, did that hurt?

Answer:- No, not at all, I'm on local anesthesia.. ...why don't you
try again.

3. At a funeral:
One of the teary-eyed people ask...
Stupid Question:- Why, why him, of all people.

Answer:- Why? Would it rather have been you?

4. At a restaurant: When you ask the waiter
Stupid Question:-
Is the "Butter Paneer Masala" good??

Answer:- No, its terrible and made of adulterated cement. We
occassionaly also spit in it.

5. At a family get-together:
When some distant aunt meets you after years
Stupid Question:-Munna, Chickoo, you've become so big.

Answer:- Well you haven't particularly shrunk yourself.

6. When a friend announces her wedding, and you ask...
Stupid Question:- Is the guy you're marrying good?

Answer:- No,he's a miserable wife-beating ,insensitive's just
the money.

7. When you get woken up at midnight by a phone call...
Stupid Question:- Sorry. were you sleeping?

Answer:- No. I was doing research on whether the Zulu tribes in
Africa marry or not. You thought I was sleeping.... you dumb witted

8. When you see a friend/colleague with evidently shorter hair...
Stupid Question:- Hey have you had a haircut?

Answer:- No, its autumn and I'm shedding.... ..

9. At the dentist when he's sticking pointed objects in your mouth...
Stupid Question:- Tell me if it hurts?

Answer:- No it wont. It will just bleed.

10. You are smoking a cigarette and a cute woman in your office
Stupid Question:- Oh, so you smoke.

Answer:- Gosh, it's a miracle was a piece of chalk and
now it's in flames!!!

see u ..