Thursday, September 4, 2008

Story of a Nepalese student at US

Guest writer..

The Promised Land, of opportunities,credit history, sex, controversy and jealousy, where you make your own destiny and reshape your fate, is nothing really but a chunk of land isolated from the rest of the world in the comforts of its own continent, geographically and ideologically. The United States of America is no more a country in the typical sense of the word. Like it or not, it is a super-nation containing denizens from all walks of life, race and nationality. A giant mash up of cultural ideas inspired and propagated by the never seen before in history phenomenon called globalization. In New York City alone, at any point in time, there are at least a 110 different languages being spoken on the streets. Off course, good ol' English is always there to bridge that communication gap when you need to ask for directions to the subway. Underneath all its apparent organization and efficiency, for a foreigner like myself, and for many others I'm sure, there is a lot of confusion and tension hidden underneath all the opportunity and money that the States has to offer.
